Mackly’s Spark

What was the spark that motivated our employees to pursue a career in science and technology, before coming to work for Ubisoft? This is what…

Watch Ubisoft’s GDC 2020 Talks Online Now

The 2020 Game Developers Conference has been postponed, but you can now watch eight talks by Ubisoft developers, including four from the Montreal studio, that…

Annie-Claude’s Spark

What was the spark that motivated our employees to pursue a career in science and technology, before coming to work for Ubisoft? This is what…

Pride Week at Ubisoft Montreal

The Pride Week tradition continued at the Montreal studio from August 10-14, 2020. This year again, despite the pandemic, we celebrated Pride week at the…

Nicolas’s Spark

What was the spark that motivated our employees to pursue a career in science and technology, before coming to work for Ubisoft? This is what…