Annie-Claude’s Spark

What was the spark that motivated our employees to pursue a career in science and technology, before coming to work for Ubisoft? This is what we hope to find out by meeting up with Annie-Claude, a level artist at Ubisoft Saguenay. Learn about her inspiring path from aspiring artist to online artist.

In Elementary and High School

Annie-Claude has always loved to draw. In fact, in elementary school, she would often get into trouble for doodling in class. Her favourite cartoons, her own characters, still lifes—no challenge was too big for her or her pencil. And her talent didn’t go unnoticed! Her classmates all loved her creations and she went on to win a drawing competition.  Then, in high school, her love of drawing really began to take shape as she started to imagine a career in art, becoming an artist in her own right.

The Spark

By the end of high school, Annie-Claude realized that her love of art could translate into a potentially stimulating career, but she was unsure of how to make it happen. It wasn’t until she started at Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu that she finally found her spark. While deliberating over which path to take, she decided to meet up with a guidance counsellor who suggested she consider jobs in the video games sector and take a Multimedia Integration program. This was fantastic advice as the program introduced her to a bit of everything: 2D, integration, and most importantly, modelling, which Annie-Claude just couldn’t get enough of. She decided to continue her studies, embarking on a bachelor’s degree at NAD-UQAC, a school specializing in digital art, animation, and design.

A career in video games, without compromise

Toward the end of her degree, Annie-Claude was already working part time for various video game studios. Although she is a great lover of the outdoors and her region of Saguenay, she realized that if she were to fulfill her true potential, she would almost certainly have to be based in Montreal. So, when recruiters from Ubisoft Saguenay approached her just before graduation, she was thrilled to be able to uncompromisingly combine her professional and personal ambitions in her much-loved home region. Next stop: Chicoutimi!

Today, Annie-Claude is doing the work she loves in the place she calls home. And now that she has found her dream job, she feels it’s important to give back to the community by getting involved with Academos. She works as a mentor, helping to ignite that spark in other young people who are interested in a career in technology.

If you’re interested in Annie-Claude’s story, why not create a profile of your own on the platform and talk to a cyber-mentor who can advise you on your future career?

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