Parité sciences: how do we increase the number of women in the sciences?

Did you know that for 50 years, in Quebec, the rate of female students enrolled in university courses in computer science, mathematics and physics has been stagnating? It is – among other things – due to this statistic that the team at Parité sciences has been working for the last year to raise awareness among education workers on the key role they can play in the scientific emancipation of young women. As Ubisoft Education’s mission is to develop the pool of female talent in STEM, the partnership was natural.

Teachers, pedagogical advisers, guidance counselors, individual pedagogical aids… Parité sciences today celebrates 75 training sessions offered to 575 workers in the college sector!

The training offered by Parité sciences presents concrete educational strategies and materials that can have a major impact on the career choices of female students (10 educational strategies that can easily be integrated into the classroom, a self-assessment form for teaching practices, presentations on careers in computer science and physics, and a poster presenting the issues of gender under-representation in science). As a result of a recent collaboration with Ubisoft, Parité sciences also includes Ubisoft’s virtual tour kit in its educational toolkit.

I remember that when I gave the VOX conference at Ubisoft in 2018, one of the aspects that struck me so much was their welcoming environment and their genuine desire to improve the conditions of women in IT. I’m all the more delighted to see today a solid partnership between Ubisoft and Parité sciences, aiming for parity in this field. The potential of this partnership is huge and will greatly benefit the next generation of scientists.” – Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, Professor of Physics at the University of Montreal.

Reach out to Parité sciences directly to take one of their training courses.

Parité sciences plans to continue its training activities in secondary schools starting in September 2022.