When Assassin’s Creed meets Magic: The Gathering: The epic collaboration through the eyes of Aymar Azaïzia


There are collaborations that make you do a double-take, and the one between Assassin’s Creed and Magic: The Gathering is definitely one of those!

Fans around the world have been geeking out over the recently released card set inspired by the legendary video game franchise. In celebration, we sat down with Aymar Azaïzia, director of Transmedia and Business Development at Ubisoft, to get the inside scoop on this collab with Wizards of the Coast.

Below, the Montrealer discusses what sparked this expansion, his personal card picks, and just how excited the Ubisoft crew is about the project.


This (stunning) set of cards is the first time that Magic: The Gathering and Ubisoft have teamed up. How did this collab come about?

Aymar Azaïzia: Indeed, it’s the first… but hopefully not the last! It’s something that’s been in the making for a very long time and took a lot of effort from many different teams at Ubisoft.

Magic: The Gathering was one of the collaborations we’ve wanted to do for ages. It was a whole lot of back and forth between departments, but when Wizards of the Coast hit us up, we were all in. Especially since they wanted a full-blown expansion!

It’s also worth mentioning that the project lined up perfectly with our players—from age to passion, design fans to pop culture vultures, it was a match made in heaven! We had a perfect fit that worked as well for them as it did for us.

Once the partnership was signed, you had to think about designing the expansion. Especially since a project of this magnitude doesn’t happen overnight! How did it go on that front?

AA: With over a hundred cards to design, the first question we asked ourselves whether we should make a set based on one game or mix it up with characters across the AC universe. With Assassin’s Creed, we can travel through eras and visit different worlds and characters. So for us, it was a no-brainer. We wanted a set that’s as diverse as Assassin’s Creed’s own saga.

Next up, we had to turn the Assassin’s Creed experience into cards. How’s a character like Ezio used in a game like Magic: The Gathering? What about Altaïr, what can he do? Based on various criteria, we worked with the Wizards to pick the right characters, as well as the weapons, artifacts, Pieces of Eden, scenes, and landscapes to create a balanced and varied gameplay experience.

Next came the fun part—adding the mechanics and visuals. No less than 80–85 artists at Magic worked on the designs. Translation was a feat in itself. Let’s not forget that people all over the world play Magic: The Gathering so it was important that the terms, quotes, and translations worked in every language.


Can you tell me a little about what inspired the look and feel of this card set?

AA: Every set has a theme, so we needed to find the core themes that would make the Assassin’s Creed set stand tall and allow for the possibility of creating synergies between the cards. In the end, we went with two big ideas, directly inspired by the brand.

First up, we wanted the assassins to be able to team up, which would give players major advantages and allow them to make wild card combos.

Then, we wanted to throw in some parkour. The way it works in the expansion is quite funny: when certain conditions are met, the cards get cheaper. So, the faster and better you play, the faster your game gets. It keeps speeding up… as if you were doing parkour!


Throughout the entire design and production process, you had the opportunity to see each card of the expansion up close. Got any favourites?

AA: You bet! There are some real beauties in this set, such as the six cards that form one big picture when placed together. Before I started on the project, I didn’t know Magic did stuff like that.

And there’s the Leonardo da Vinci set made with Secret Lair. The cards were written and drawn by hand as if by Leonardo da Vinci himself. They’re absolutely sublime!

Character-wise, I love that there are several versions of Ezio. For example, there’s both a young Ezio and the master assassin Ezio. The master assassin goes straight into my deck, that’s for sure! The artwork is gorgeous, the card is awesome. Adéwalé’s card is great too. Otherwise, Lydia Frye’s card was a total surprise. It’s really beautiful and has some clever mechanics to boot.

In short, it’s pretty clear that the folks over at Magic: The Gathering are huge AC fans. They’ve poured their heart into this, coming up with some genius ideas that led to plenty of pleasant surprises.


Is the card set just for Magic: The Gathering die-hards, or do you think Assassin’s Creed fans will enjoy it too?

AA: Yes, absolutely. This game is super interesting in terms of both visuals and game mechanics. For those new to the Magic scene, we’ve got two-player starter kits that come with fully built decks. They’re tailor-made for a quick start and a taste of the action.

The game will also appeal to seasoned players—the set brings fresh mechanics and the thrill of playing with Assassin’s Creed legends.

And for the collectors? We’ve put together a collection that’s as gorgeous as it is collectible. Yes, without a doubt, Assassin’s Creed aficionados are going to love it!


Finally, I’m curious to know what the vibe’s been like at Ubisoft about this whole Magic: The Gathering collab. After all, we have several game enthusiasts in our ranks!

AA: Quite frankly, I haven’t seen this much excitement for a collab in years! As you say, we have some hardcore Magic fans here—the kind who are willing to catch a plane to attend tournaments. They’re super passionate!

So much so that I often had people sending me DMs asking for the lowdown on the project. Everyone wanted a sneak peek at the cards and mechanics to get their game plan ready. It was hilarious!

During the project, I realized there were Magic clubs in our studios, meeting up for regular throwdowns. It’s amazing to see how deep and organized the love for the game is here.


The Magic: The Gathering – Assassin’s Creed set is now available online and at your favourite local retailers. To learn more about the expansion, go here.