The 14th edition of the Ubisoft Game Lab Competition has been launched… and sets a new record!

Monday marked the launch of the 14th annual Ubisoft Game Lab Competition.

The competition, which began in 2011, has officially hit a record number of participants with 25 teams, or 200 students from 13 Quebec universities.

This year’s jury president, Nathalie Jasmin (Ubisoft Sherbrooke studio MD), had the pleasure of announcing the theme, mandate, and restrictions to the group of aspiring game creators. This is always an exciting moment, as it marks the start of a challenge that will keep the students busy for the next 10 weeks.

Nathalie Jasmin, directrice générale du studio d'Ubisoft Sherbrooke

“This year, my fellow jurors and I chose dream as the theme. We wanted to give teams infinite possibilities. Dreams have no limits. They can go in any direction and stimulate all our senses. They can take us to places we’ve been before or to make-believe worlds. They can be about us, people we know, or complete strangers. Dreams can evoke our greatest fears and our most intense joys. I think it’ll be really fun exploring this playground. I can’t wait to see where the teams go with it.” – Nathalie Jasmin

For ten weeks, each team will be coached by two mentors from Ubisoft’s Quebec studios. Once their prototype is complete, all teams will be invited to present it at the Ubisoft Montreal studio. The 25 prototypes will then be put to the test by all the studio’s employees, the family and friends of these future developers, and of course the jury, composed of Ubisoft experts.

Following the jury’s evaluation and deliberation, the nominated and winning teams will be unveiled at the annual gala, where the eight prizes and $22,000 in scholarships will be awarded to the deserving teams. Ubisoft will also facilitate internships and/or jobs for at least 10 students who stand out in the competition.

Good luck to all the participating teams and may the best prototype win!